Discovering and fingerprinting BACnet devices - Help Net Security

Discovering and fingerprinting BACnet devices - Help Net Security

BACnet is a communication protocol deployed for building automation and control networks. The most widely accepted networks include Internet Protocol (BACnet/IP) and the Master-Slave Token-Passing network (BACnet MS/TP). Generally, routers are required to interconnect BACnet networks while gateways are preferred for connecting non-compliant devices to a primary BACnet network.

It is anticipated that 64% of the building automation industry uses BACnet for effective operations. From a security perspective, it is essential to fingerprint IoT devices that use BACnet for communication.

BACnet/IP device object

As per the standard, there should be one BACNet device object associated with the BACnet device. The BACnet object constitutes a number of properties related to the device itself in which certain properties are optional.

From a fingerprinting perspective, a BACnet/IP device runs a service on UDP ports 47808 and 47809. A well-crafted UDP request sent to ..

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