Emerging best practices for securing cloud-native environments

Emerging best practices for securing cloud-native environments

Globally, IT experts recognise security as the most significant barrier to cloud adoption, in part because  many of the ways of securing traditional IT environments are not always applicable to cloud-native infrastructure. As a result, security teams may find themselves behind the curve and struggling to keep up with the ambitious digital transformation programs set by their senior leadership teams.

As technology evolves and threats change rapidly, organizations that stay abreast of the latest developments, trends, and industry standards tend to have fewer security risks than those that don't. Failure to do so can lead to data breaches, compliance violations and increased costs. From creating a security culture to implementing innovative solutions, it’s clear a new approach to security is required; one that is more automated and based on best practices that consider the following:

Speed vs security

Finding the right balance between security and speed can be difficult, especially when trying to keep pace with your organization’s cloud migration and digital transformation strategy. Securing your continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipeline can be challenging if visibility, governance and compliance lack across your IT environment.

Ensuring errors and missteps are detected and minimised requires a consistent set of processes, people, and tools. By putting challenges into logical groups, you can address each one more effectively.

For example, the first stage of the CI/CD pipeline is vulnerable to human error. Adopting the DevSecOps model adds security to the DevOps working processes as a continuous activity, allowing security policies to be defined and enforced at every pipeline stage — including development and testing environments. Although, moving away from traditional processes requires strong foundations to transform and change.

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