In a rare lapse in technological expertise, the recently unveiled Ethereum testnet, Holesky, failed to launch after developers discovered flaws in the testnet’s design. Ethereum Holesky Testnet Riddled With Misconfigurations The crypto community and Ethereum enthusiasts are presently waiting for the return of Ethereum’s Holesky testnet which was scheduled to launch on Friday, September 15. The Holesky testnet which was created to replace Ethereum’s Goerli testnet after its deprecation in 2024 encountered an unexpected technical hiccup on the day of its release. The release date marked a significant date in the Ethereum community’s history, commemorating the one-year anniversary of Ethereum’s Merge to a Proof of Stake (PoS) network. Related Reading: Jordan Peterson Sparks Debate On How Bitcoin Can Solve Major Banking Problem Ethereum developers have labeled the technical flaw as a “misconfiguration in the ExtraData field.” Reports reveal that the misconfiguration was identified by an Ethereum Researcher named Protolambda. Holesky launch update! Due to a misconfiguration in the ExtraData field (applied to EL configs but not to CL ones), #Holesky didn’t initiate properly. A ..
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