Evolving How We Share Rapid7 Research Data

Evolving How We Share Rapid7 Research Data

In the spring of 2018, we launched the Open Data initiative to provide security teams and researchers with access to research data generated from Project Sonar and Project Heisenberg. Our goal for those projects is to understand how the attack surface is evolving, what exposures are most common or impactful, and how attackers are taking advantage of these opportunities. Ultimately, we want to be able to advocate for necessary remediation actions that will reduce opportunities for attackers and advance security. This is also why we publish extensive research reports highlighting key security learnings and mitigation recommendations.

Our goal for Open Data has been to enable others to participate in these efforts, increasing the positive impact across the community. Open Data was an evolution of our participation in the scans.io project, hosted by the University of Michigan. Our hope was that security professionals would apply the research data to their own environments to reduce their exposure and researchers would use the data to uncover insights to help educate the community on security best practices.

Changing times

Since we first launched Open Data, we’ve been mindful that sharing large amounts of raw data may not maximize value for recipients and lead to the best security outcomes. It is efficient for us, as it can be automated, but we have constantly sought more impactful and productive ways to share the data. Where possible, we’ve developed partnerships with key nonprofit organizations and government entities that share our goals and values around advancing security and reducing expo ..

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