Exploring malicious Windows drivers (Part 2): the I/O system, IRPs, stack locations, IOCTLs and more

This blog post is part of a multi-part series, and it is highly recommended to read the first entry here before continuing.

As the second entry in our “Exploring malicious Windows drivers” series, we will continue where the first left off: Discussing the I/O system and IRPs. We will expand on these subjects and discuss other aspects of the I/O system such as IOCTLs, device stacks and I/O stack locations, as all are critical components of I/O operations. 

In this series, we’ll introduce the concepts of drivers, the Windows kernel and basic analysis of malicious drivers. Please explore the links to code examples and the Microsoft documentation, as it will provide context for the concepts discussed here. 

I/O operations are extremely powerful, as they allow an attacker to perform a wide array of actions at the kernel level. With kernel-level access, an attacker could discreetly capture, initiate, or alter network traffic, as well as access or alter files on a system. Virtualization protections such as Virtual Secure Mode can aid in defense against malicious drivers, although it is not enabled by default in a typical Windows environment. Even when these protections are enabled, certain configurations are required to effectively defend against kernel mode drivers.

The capability of a malicious driver is only limited by the skill level and knowledge of the individual writing it and the configuration of the target system. However, writing a reliable malicious driver is quite difficult as many factors must be taken into consideration during development. One of these factors is correctly implementing I/O operations without crashing the target system, ..

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