Extra! Extra! Don’t quite read all about it: Cyber attack hits Philadelphia Inquirer

Extra! Extra! Don’t quite read all about it: Cyber attack hits Philadelphia Inquirer

A cyber "incident" stopped The Philadelphia Inquirer's presses over the weekend, halting the Sunday edition's print edition and shutting down the newspaper's offices to staff until at least Tuesday.

The Inquirer reported the disruption on its website, and quoted publisher Lisa Hughes, who promised to keep staff and readers informed about the situation. However, she added, the newspaper didn't have "an exact timeline" as to when the systems would be back up and running as usual.

On Saturday the weekend staff reported that the content management system – industry jargon for the publishing software used to write, edit, and put out stories and titles – for the paper wasn't allowing them access; Hughes said her IT security staff "discovered anomalous activity on select computer systems and immediately took those systems off-line."

Though it was unable to print its Sunday edition, it will continue to publish articles online, and the newsroom may still be closed on Tuesday's mayoral primary election night; Hughes said the cyber attack won't affect coverage.

"We appreciate everyone's patience and understanding as we work to fully restore systems and complete this investigation as soon as possible," Hughes said. "We will keep our employees and readers informed as we learn more."

The newspaper's network security vendor alerted The Inquirer about the intrusion last Thursday, according to CBS News. It's unclear when the initial network breach happened, or how the intruders gained access.

Hughes, according to The Inquirer, declined to say which other systems had been affected, what - if any - data had been stolen, and whether this incl ..

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