Flawed, but promising, Android ransomware uncovered | SC Media

Flawed, but promising, Android ransomware uncovered | SC Media

Researchers have come across a new Android ransomware family, nicknamed Android/Filecoder.C. that uses victims’ contact lists in an attempt to spread through SMS texts containing malicious links.

According to ESET, Android/Filecoder.C. is poorly constructed and uses an encryption method that can be defeated without using the decryptor keys. However, the malicious actors did not get everything wrong: ESET researcher Lukáš Štefanko gave it kudos for its ability to spread.

“The new ransomware is notable for its spreading mechanism. Before it starts encrypting files, it sends a batch of text messages to every address in the victim’s contact list, luring the recipients to click on a malicious link leading to the ransomware installation file,” he noted. In theory, this could lead to a flood of infections, he added, particularly since the malware uses messages in 42 different languages, widening its ability to snag victims.

So far, the developers behind Android/Filecoder.C. are primarily distributing the ransomware via malicious domains that unsuspecting victims are lured to via porn-related posts and comments on Reddit.

Štefanko said the scary aspect of Android/Filecoder.C ..

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