Focusing on the Fundamentals of Network Security

Focusing on the Fundamentals of Network Security

IBM X-Force has reported a huge increase in COVID-19-related spam. Malicious domains have also rapidly expanded during the first quarter of 2020

Focus on Security Fundamentals  

One of the key fundamental approaches for security is to ensure your security team can identify, investigate and respond to threats. We recommend mining network data to help identify potential vulnerabilities and understand the nature of the cybersecurity threats that have emerged during the crisis. This can help offset increases in phishing attacks targeting remote workers and users interested in COVID-19.

Network Security Helps Pinpoint Attacks on Remote Users

Enterprises need to gain visibility and control over company assets, including home office devices, so they can detect unusual behavior and take corrective actions. Vital clues exist in network traffic; all attacks utilize the network at some point. Visibility into network traffic allows you to uncover anomalies in normal user activities, which could be symptoms of malware attacks. 

Today’s environment has brought in more remote traffic and unusual email communications from government agencies and third parties, so focusing on network traffic can still surface phishing attacks and enable your security operations teams to detect, investigate and respond. 

Key actions to defend against these attacks are gaining visibility into the network traffic, monitoring user and network behaviors correlating to known threats across the enterprise. In many cases, security analysts have used different tools independently in order to gather relevant information and confirm there is a high risk threat attack under way. The speed of focusing fundamentals network security