Fresh Start in Education improves threat protection with Avast – Avast

Fresh Start in Education improves threat protection with Avast – Avast
Tim Wilkinson, 26 June 2019

Increases threat detection by 100% with Managed Antivirus and automates patching with Patch Management Service

The Company
 Fresh Start in Education boasts a 96% success rate helping at-risk students struggling with education and learning to re-engage and re-integrate into school and work. The company’s approach, tools, and training enable children and young people throughout the UK to learn, grow, and succeed. 
The Challenge
Operations executive Robbin Tyrrell oversees Fresh Start in Education’s IT and security management. For Robbin and his team of two, keeping data safe and protected are ongoing priorities. He must also maintain compliance with the UK cybersecurity standard, Cyber Essentials, which has become an important certification when working with local authorities and schools.
“Fresh Start in Education works with highly sensitive, personally identifiable information every day. Ensuring the security and privacy of this data is paramount,” says Robbin. “We have security measures in place that are highly regulated, and at the same time, we must stay ahead of threats and maintain our Cyber Essentials accreditation.  This requires us to continually evaluate new tools and technologies.”
 The Solution
 An AVG-Avast customer since 2015, Fresh Start in Education upgraded to Avast Business Managed Antivirus, delivered through the cloud management console, to gain strong endpoint protection and ensure compliance with Cyber Essentials.  He explains, “Cyber Essentials requires software to be centrally managed, so moving to the cloud and upgrading to Avast Business Managed Antivirus made a lot of business sense for the company.”
Because the cloud solution doesn’t require manual installation on every user’s PC or entering license keys, ..

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