From Top Dogs to Unified Pack

From Top Dogs to Unified Pack

Embracing a consolidated security ecosystem

Authored by Ralph Wascow

Cybersecurity is as unpredictable as it is rewarding. Each day often presents a new set of challenges and responsibilities, particularly as organizations accelerate digital transformation efforts. This means you and your cyber team may find yourselves navigating a complex landscape of multi-cloud environments and evolving compliance requirements.

So how does that translate into what cyber professionals have to deal with on a daily basis?

A Day in the Life of a Security Professional

In the Trenches

The responsibility of safeguarding sensitive data and protecting that very same data can create a constant pressure to stay one step ahead – of many things. Teams defending environments often face high stress levels and tight deadlines. Unsurprisingly, the demand for skilled security leaders often outpaces the supply of personnel. This is where an array of tools and solutions are introduced to support those teams. And while there are many positives to be had, security teams are often overrun by an array of solutions and vendors, creating increased complexity and vulnerabilities in their organisation’s risk posture.

Multiple Vendors Often Means More Work

Using different vendors and solutions for various security functions can help keep things fresh, but it can also be time-consuming and cumbersome. And rather than help teams, it may lead to a decrease in performance. With each platform and tool requiring its own resources, the overall efficiency of your infrastructure and processes may suffer. These performance issues can impact critical business operations and hinder productivity. For instance, by the time you receive a threat alert, the attacker could already be hard at work.

Security analysts require a streamlined work environment that enables them to unde ..

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