Go Inside Rapid7 MDR: Timelines and Tick Tocks

Go Inside Rapid7 MDR: Timelines and Tick Tocks

They say by 2025, half of all businesses will turn to a managed detection and response (MDR) service. Breaches are called “inevitable” now. And even with a blank check, most companies couldn’t hire their way to tight security: the expertise just isn’t out there.

In this new eBook you’ll find real life examples of common threats handled end-to-end by Rapid7 MDR. You can check out the speed and accuracy with which our global SOC experts identify, contain, and respond to attacks.

IBM says it takes an average of 287 days to identify a breach and about 75 to contain it. You can’t do that with the kind of attackers you’ll read about here, like the lethal More_Eggs malware. Or Solarmarker, which spawns hundreds of decoy files. Or EMOTET, finally disrupted in 2021 by international action coordinated by Europol.

We think that’s probably a good way to judge MDR: how well do you handle the worst?

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