Google’s Data Security: How Google Protects your Data from Cyber Threats?

Google’s Data Security: How Google Protects your Data from Cyber Threats?
The world is moving very fast towards technology and materialism. Subsequently, it has become increasingly difficult for people to shun away from online services. According to the reports, Google has a large international market – over 50% of its customers represent premier business customers. Interestingly, more than 5 million businesses have chosen Google Apps services for their Businesses. Users of online services are much familiar with Google and its products but cyber threats always threaten people and make them question the security of their data. Is Google selling their data or personal information? 

According to Google, the tech giant takes the following measures- 

Physical Security - Google claims that it provides 24/7 physical security to all data centers located across the world. The organization is also known for its advanced measures such as laser-based surveillance and biometric identification to protect its employees from cyber threats and identity theft. 

The company’s in-house disaster response team assures that even during natural disasters such as fire, flood, etc which hits the physical location of its data center Google still manages to use security monitoring to protect users from malware. The company also says, “We constantly monitor all applications, deploy patches through automated network analysis and proprietary technology, it helps us in detecting threats such as malware, viruses, and other forms of malicious code’’. 

Encryption-  Encryption means ‘the process of converting information or data into a code, especially to prevent unauthorized accesses’. The company states that ‘we use encryption into every data flow so customer’s data remain protected from any kind of snooping activities funded by official government actors. Furthermore, the tech giant added that it protects all the dat ..

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