Government Seeks Input on Reboot of Nation's Strategic Computing Objectives

Government Seeks Input on Reboot of Nation's Strategic Computing Objectives

America’s National Strategic Computing Initiative’s Strategic Plan was produced through public and private collaboration and instituted in 2016, setting forth five objectives aiming to boost the nation’s leadership in advanced and high-performance computing. Though it’s only been three years, rapid improvements and accelerations in technology are driving those behind the plan to question whether it’s time to update those objectives—and if so, how?

To address the question, the National Science Foundation, more specifically its Networking and Information Technology Research and Development’s National Coordination Office, released a request for information Tuesday seeking public input on how to best ensure America’s continued leadership in strategic computing.

“Since the launch of NSCI, there have been significant near- and long-term advances that support the efforts towards exascale computing. There have also been changes in the technology landscape such as the availability of resources and usage models, the nature and requirements of applications, and the means and methods of implementation.”

“As a result, it is appropriate to reexamine, as a nation, the objectives of SC,” the RFI said.

NSF’s NITRD NCO launched the RFI together with the National Science and Technology Council’s Fast-Track Action Committee on Strategic Computing. According to the document, the administration chartered the FTAC to revamp the nation’s goals and approaches to advanced computing research and development, and the committee will consider the RFI feedback together with other members of the science community.

FTAC members will provide a report on the findings once ..

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