Grandoreiro, the global trojan with grandiose ambitions

Grandoreiro, the global trojan with grandiose ambitions

Grandoreiro is a well-known Brazilian banking trojan — part of the Tetrade umbrella — that enables threat actors to perform fraudulent banking operations by using the victim’s computer to bypass the security measures of banking institutions. It’s been active since at least 2016 and is now one of the most widespread banking trojans globally.

INTERPOL and law enforcement agencies across the globe are fighting against Grandoreiro, and Kaspersky is cooperating with them, sharing TTPs and IoCs. However, despite the disruption of some local operators of this trojan in 2021 and 2024, and the arrest of gang members in Spain, Brazil, and Argentina, they’re still active. We now know for sure that only part of this gang was arrested: the remaining operators behind Grandoreiro continue attacking users all over the world, further developing new malware and establishing new infrastructure.

Every year we observe new Grandoreiro campaigns targeting financial entities, using new tricks in samples with low detection rates by security solutions. The group has evolved over the years, expanding the number of targets in every new campaign we tracked. In 2023, the banking trojan targeted 900 banks in 40 countries — in 2024, the newest versions of the trojan targeted 1,700 banks and 276 crypto wallets in 45 countries and territories, located on all continents of the world. Asia and Africa have finally joined the list of its targets, making it a truly global financial threat. In Spain alone, Grandoreiro has been responsible for fraudulent activities amounting to 3.5 million euros in profits, ..

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