Hackaday Podcast Episode 272: Desktop EDM, Silence of the Leaves, and the Tyranny of the Rocket Equation

Hackaday Podcast Episode 272: Desktop EDM, Silence of the Leaves, and the Tyranny of the Rocket Equation

With Elliot off on vacation, Tom and Dan made a valiant effort to avoid the dreaded “clip show” and provide you with the tastiest hacker treats of the week. Did they succeed? That’s not for us to say, but if you’re interested in things like non-emulated N64 games and unnecessarily cool filament sensors, this just might be one to check out.

We also came across a noise suppressor for a leaf blower, giant antennae dangling from government helicopters, and a desktop-friendly wire EDM setup that just might change the face of machining. We waxed on about the difference between AI-generated code and just pulling routines from StackExchange, came to the conclusion that single-stage-to-orbit is basically just science fiction, and took a look at the latest eclipse from 80,000 feet, albeit a month after the fact.

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Episode 272 Show Notes:


The Business Card Challenge is in full swing

What’s that Sound?

Tentative congratula ..

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