Hacking the Future: 12 Years at Exodus and the Next Big Leap

Hacking the Future: 12 Years at Exodus and the Next Big Leap

Tl;dr – We are hiring engineers, analysts, and researchers.

This May marked our 12th year of producing world-class vulnerability intelligence at Exodus Intelligence. We have had many ups (and downs) and have worked with a variety of talented people over the years whose collective contributions have made us who we are today. Throughout our history we have stayed true to our founding mission of maintaining a hacking culture, made by hackers, for hackers. We challenge and pride ourselves on researching some of the hardest targets, across a diversity of platforms and operating systems. As a team we have analyzed (I’m’, talking weeks long, thorough, root cause analysis) more than 1,600 Nday, and discovered over 400 0day in enterprise products. Whether software, hardware, server side, client side, IoT… our experts have done it all.

It has been a bit of a waiting game for the industry to build an appreciation for vulnerability intelligence, let alone Zeroday vulnerability intelligence. I would argue that the industry is finally there, and with the help of a lot of the big companies, there are products that can effectively detect and defend against this category of risks.

There is still a degree of “wild west” in the industry where it is hard to design and maintain standards for reporting, tracking and cataloging vulnerabilities (CVE, CVSS, CNAs, CPEs, SBOM,…). At Exodus we have always focused on the core research as our wheelhouse and put less effort on the website, front end, and engineering work that drives how people view, search and ingest our data. The market demands it now.

We are at an inflection point and aim to make our data more widely available and ..

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