Hands-On IoT Hacking: Rapid7 at DEF CON 30 IoT Village, Pt. 4

Hands-On IoT Hacking: Rapid7 at DEF CON 30 IoT Village, Pt. 4

Welcome back to our blog series on Rapid7's IoT Village exercise from DEF CON 30. In our previous posts, we covered how to achieve access to flash memory, how to extract file system data from the device, and how to modify the data we've extracted. In this post, we'll cover how to gain root access over the device's secure shell protocol (SSH).

Gaining root access over SSH

Before we move on to establishing SSH connect as root, you may need to set the local IP address on your local host to allow you to access the cable modem at its default IP address of In our example, we set the local IP address to to allow this connection.

To set the local IP address on your host, the first thing is to identify the local ethernet interface. You can do this from the Linux CLE terminal by running the ifconfig command:

ifconfigFigure 10: IFCONFIG showing Local Ethernet Interfaces

In our example, the ethernet interface is enp0s25, as shown above. Using that interface name (enp0s25), we can set the local IP address to using the following command

ifconfig enp0s25

To validate that you've set the correct IP address, you can rerun the ifconfig command and examine the results to confirm:

Figure 11: Ethernet Interface Set To

It's also possible to connect your host system directly to the cable modem's ethernet port and have your host interface setup for DHCP – the cable modem should assign an IP address to your host device.

Once you have a valid IP address assigned and/or co ..

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