Hardware Reuse: The PMG001 Integrated Power Management Module

Hardware Reuse: The PMG001 Integrated Power Management Module

Battery management is a tedious but necessary problem that becomes more of a hassle with lithium-ion technology. As we’re all very aware, such batteries need a bit of care to be utilized safely, and as such, a huge plethora of ICs are available to perform the relevant duties. Hackaday.IO user [Erik] clearly spent some time dropping down the same old set of ICs to manage a battery in their applications, so they created a drop-in castellated PCB to manage all this.

The little board, measuring just a smidge over 22 x 16mm, packs a fair amount of capability, with an ATTiny1616 to make it customisable. The Injoinic tech IP2312, which is intended to be supplied from USB sources, takes care of charging with a programmable current set by a resistor, as is typical. The battery output is switched by a beefy MOSFET, with the output first passing through a measurement resistor and being sensed by an INA219 bidirectional current monitor. This might be useful for monitoring charging via the microcontroller. An APX803 low-voltage lockout/supervisor IC enables an LD56100 LDO to ensure no load is supplied to the battery below the low-voltage threshold. This is important! This provides a 3.3V rail to all the other ICs ..

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