Help, I can’t see! A Primer for Attack Surface Management Blog Series

Help, I can’t see! A Primer for Attack Surface Management Blog Series

Part 1: Overview of the Problem ASM Solves and a High-Level Description of ASM and Its Components

Welcome to the first installment of our multipart series, "Help! I Can’t See! A Primer for Attack Surface Management Blog Series." In this series, we will explore the critical challenges and solutions associated with Attack Surface Management (ASM), a vital aspect of modern cybersecurity strategy. This initial blog, titled "Overview of the Problem ASM Solves and a High-Level Description of ASM and Its Components," sets the stage by examining the growing difficulties organizations face in managing their digital environments and how ASM can help address these issues effectively.

The fast paced evolution of digital infrastructure that is driving businesses forward (e.g. workstations, virtual machines, containers, edge) is also making it more difficult for organizations to keep track of and account for the cyber attack surface they’re responsible for protecting. Despite security teams continuing to invest exorbitant amounts of money on tools (VM, EDR, CNAPP, etc.) to both manage their digital environment and also secure it, the problem isn’t getting any better. In this 3-part blog series  we will help demystify the problems of security data silos and tool sprawl so you can answer pertinent questions like

How many assets and identities am I responsible for protecting?How many assets and identities are lacking security controls like endpoint security or MFA?What is my overall security posture?

When we look at the number and types of tools organizations spend money on to manage and secure their digital environment, we typically see things like vulnerability scanners, endpoint security, IdP, patching, IT asset management, Cloud Service Providers, and more.  Each of these tools and technologies tend to do a pretty g ..

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