Highlights from the Ultimate Guide to Client-side Security

Highlights from the Ultimate Guide to Client-side Security

In today’s world, businesses, economies, and lives are connected by a complex spider web of code and software applications. This code and these applications drive e-commerce, financial transactions, and data input. They impact our ability to quickly transfer money from one account to another, to fill out an online mortgage application, and to order supplies from a vendor. 

The code that drives these systems is complicated. If something can go wrong, it will. 

The important thing to understand about software code isn’t that it’s not perfect. It’s that hackers and attackers are actively looking for vulnerable code to exploit. And increasingly, they’re looking for vulnerable code on the ‘client side.’

Modern websites and the software that drives them carry risk. Any customer—be it an individual consumer or another business—that wants to conduct a transaction via a website is going to expect a seamless and safe user experience with minimal or no risk. The first step in protecting customers is making sure that entry point into your business—the client slide—is as secure as it possibly can be.

Introducing: The Ultimate Guide to Client-side Security

I would like to invite you to read our e-book to get a broad overview of client-side security and how you can protect your organizations from client-side threats. In this e-book, we offer businesses a comprehensive look at client-side security and the type of attacks that are increasingly targeting businesses that deliver products and services through the client side. The security gap around the client side is growing and organizations need to be prepared to secure their front-end operations if they want to ensure business growth and customer safety. The unique client-side attack surface requires a specific and dedicated ..

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