How a Software-Driven Security Model is Transforming the Economics of Our Business

How a Software-Driven Security Model is Transforming the Economics of Our Business

Threat actors are constantly exploiting an ever-increasing number of vulnerabilities. According to the 2020 World Economic Forum Global Risks Report, cyberattacks and data fraud rank among the top 10 greatest risks to society over the next 10 years. Imagine how much this risk has accelerated with a significant increase in remote workers and online shopping due to the coronavirus pandemic. And Secureworks’ recent Incident Response Report validates this and goes even deeper. With so much at risk, organizations are required to constantly look beyond the horizon and stay one step ahead of the ever-changing threat landscape. Our partners and our customers expect this from us, and we deliver.

Four years ago, Secureworks began a transformation journey that would fundamentally shift how we secure customers, add new solutions and offerings and double down on our channel partners. Since then, we’ve been purposefully shifting our business:

To a holistic detection and response provider
To partner-enabled service delivery where we enable partners to differentiate based on our software and our service expertise
To a new cloud-native security analytics platform combined with the power of the community

Key to achieving these objectives is transforming the economics of our business. We’ve already seen success as reported in our most recent earnings release.

Holistic detection and response provider

As a result of our strategic transformation, we are well-positioned to seize the opportunities of a significantly larger and faster growing cybersecurity market.

Customers today want solutions that extend far beyond detection. They want full investigation and response with a ..

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