How do cryptocurrency drainer phishing scams work?

By Teoderick Contreras and Jose Hernandez of Splunk, with contributions from the Splunk Threat Research Team.  

Cryptodrainer scams have emerged as a significant threat in the cryptocurrency ecosystem, targeting unsuspecting individuals with the promise of easy profits while covertly siphoning their digital assets.  

Initially, cryptodrainer scams primarily manifested as fraudulent investment schemes, promising high returns on investments in dubious projects or fake initial coin offerings (ICOs). These scams exploited the speculative nature of cryptocurrency markets, luring investors with the allure of quick riches and revolutionary technology. However, instead of delivering on their promises, scammers absconded with investors' funds. 

An example of a cryptodraining scam spread on a Jamaican news outlet’s X account in 2023 after the account was hacked. 

Cryptodrainer phishing scams targeting cryptocurrency holders have become increasingly sophisticated, with scammers employing social engineering techniques to trick users into divulging their private keys or login credentials. These stolen assets were then swiftly drained from victims' wallets, often leaving them with little recourse for recovery. 

In recent months, a surge in cryptodrainer phishing attacks has been observed, targeting cryptocurrency holders with sophisticated schemes aimed at tricking them into divulging their valuable credentials. These tactics involve deceptive URLs, carefully crafted to resemble legitimate cryptocurrency platforms, enticing unsuspecting users to input their sensitive login information. 

One particularly concerning trend is the emergence of phishing campaigns proliferating across various social media platforms, including X (Twitter). In these instances, compromised accounts, likely hijacked by cybercriminals, are used as unwitting conduits to deliver the malicious URLs to a wider audience. The compromised accounts lend an air of legitimacy to the fraudulent scheme, thereby increasing the likelihood ..

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