How Open Security Can Make Threat Management More Efficient

How Open Security Can Make Threat Management More Efficient

Security operations center (SOC) teams struggle with an array of challenges. Too many tools can make the work too complex; and recruiting and retaining personnel can be hard amidst a skills shortage. Experts need to focus on using their skills to their fullest. But, an open approach can improve threat management in a way that makes all of these things easier. 

All these challenges complicate some aspect of threat management. Complex tools make it harder for SOCs to gain insight into their landscapes and detect threats. Solving cases thoroughly and responding to incidents quickly is difficult when staff are overwhelmed.

Making tools simpler and connecting teams — both to each other and to threat intelligence landscapes — can help ease these challenges. By allowing everyone in the SOC to access the same data, threat intelligence feeds and workflows create strength in numbers. It also breaks down silos. Teams can be more efficient and work with other departments more easily.

Here’s how an open approach to security draws connections that can benefit team leaders, analysts and incident responders.

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During our webinar, “Manage Threats Across Tools, Teams, and Clouds with IBM Cloud Pak for Security,” learn more about how to modernize your SOC. We’ll also cover the recently announced capabilities and show a live demo.

For Security Leaders: Connecting Tools and Teams

In light of the skills shortage, leaders are focused on security threat management efficient