How to embrace Secure by Design principles while adopting AI

The rapid rise of generative artificial intelligence (gen AI) technologies has ushered in a transformative era for industries worldwide. Over the past 18 months, enterprises have increasingly integrated gen AI into their operations, leveraging its potential to innovate and streamline processes. From automating customer service to enhancing product development, the applications of gen AI are vast and impactful. According to a recent IBM report, approximately 42% of large enterprises have adopted AI, with the technology capable of automating up to 30% of knowledge work activities in various sectors, including sales, marketing, finance and customer service.

However, the accelerated adoption of gen AI also brings significant risks, such as inaccuracy, intellectual property concerns and cybersecurity threats. Of course, this is only one instance in a series of enterprises adopting new technology, such as cloud computing, only to realize afterward that incorporating security principles should have been a priority from the start. Now, we can learn from those past missteps and adopt Secure by Design principles early while developing gen AI-based enterprise applications.

Lessons from the cloud transformation rush

The recent wave of cloud adoption provides valuable insights into prioritizing security early in any technology transition. Many organizations embraced cloud technologies for benefits like cost reduction, scalability and disaster recovery. However, the haste ..

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