How to Get the Best Layered and Integrated Endpoint Protection

How to Get the Best Layered and Integrated Endpoint Protection

Security teams have historically been challenged by the choice of separate next-gen endpoint security technologies or a more integrated solution with a unified management console that can automate key capabilities. At this point it’s not really a choice at all – the threat landscape requires you to have both. The best layered and integrated defenses now include a broad portfolio of advanced prevention technologies, endpoint security controls, and advanced detection/response tools – all within an integrated system that goes beyond alerts and into insights that even a junior analyst can act on.

More Endpoints = More Vulnerabilities

Endpoints are long beyond on-premises servers, PCs, and traditional operating systems. Internet of things devices such as printers, scanners, point-of-sale handhelds, and even wearables are vulnerable and can provide entry points for organized attacks seeking access to corporate networks. Mobile devices—both BYOD and corporate issued—are among the easiest targets for app-based attacks. Per the 2019 McAfee Mobile Threat Report, the number one threat category was hidden apps, which accounted for almost one-third of all mobile attacks.

Many enterprises are unaware of their target-rich endpoint environments, resulting in security teams struggling to maintain complete vigilance. A 2018 SANS Survey on Endpoint Protection and Response revealed some sobering statistics:

42% of respondents report having had their endpoints exploited
84% of endpoint breaches include more than one endpoint
20% didn’t know whether they’d been breached

Endpoint attacks are designed to exploit the hapless user, including web ..

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