How to make a stranger's insecure 3D printer halt-and-catch-fire – plus more alerts from infosec world

How to make a stranger's insecure 3D printer halt-and-catch-fire – plus more alerts from infosec world

San Francisco Airport websites hacked, VMware patches emitted, etc

Roundup We're one week further along, and we hope everyone is well out there. Time for another security roundup amid the coronavirus lockdown.

3D printing turns red hot

In what was surely a very serious piece of research and not just an excuse to set stuff ablaze, the team at the aptly-named CoalFire have demonstrated how a 3D printer could be tricked into bursting into flames remotely.

By hijacking the firmware update process of a 3D printer called the Flashforge Finder, a miscreant could potentially flash the machine's software to remove its temperature constraints. The next time the printer was used, it could heat up to the point of catching fire.

Scary stuff, but ..

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