How to Scale Your PKI Through Automation

How to Scale Your PKI Through Automation

How to Scale Your PKI Through Automationbrooke.crothersMon, 04/11/2022 – 18:22

Why isn’t PKI automation adopted at a greater scale?

Many organizations prefer to stick to old-fashioned, handcrafted manual processes for managing all their digital identities and certificates. Although there are only a handful of cloud-based PKI solutions that are delivered as a service, certain misperceptions are keeping organizations from adopting these solutions. These misperceptions can be summarized as follows.

  • It is easier to manually control your certificates. That was true when automated PKI management solutions were more cumbersome to administer. This is not the case anymore. For example, with ACME the creation and deployment of certificates is only a few clicks away.

  • Automation adds complexity. On the contrary. Modern cloud-based PKI offerings come as one-stop-shop for automating the management of certificates for all use cases. They are also accessible through REST APIs to integrate certificate management with existing infrastructure.

  • Automation results in increased budgeting. This is a myth as well. Cloud-based solutions offer transparent pricing solutions that facilitate budget planning and provide cost effectiveness.

  • Manual PKI management is secure. Not only is there a security downside to managing PKI certificate lifecycles manually, but it can be extremely risky to do so. Using manual certificate renewal or certificate database management in today’s complex device and user ecosystem is especially hazardous, especially considering the shortening of certificate validity.

  • What are the benefits of PKI automation?

    Businesses are looking to automate their PKI to enhance the management of their certificate lifecycles and provide increased security for their highly sensitive data. There are three benefits identified with a shift towards PKI automation.

  • Comprehensive security. PKI automation helps to reduce human errors which would result in increasing risk of a data b ..

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