How to Set Up InsightVM in Your Google Cloud Environment

How to Set Up InsightVM in Your Google Cloud Environment

When you think of cloud computing, the two biggest players that likely come to mind are Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure. As more companies make the move to the cloud, these two have become the largest names in the cloud computing space. However, Google (being Google) also threw its hat in the ring by creating its own rival cloud service, Google Cloud.

In this blog post, we’ll go over how to set up our vulnerability scanner, InsightVM in your Google Cloud and how to tweak it for your environment. Once set up in your cloud environment, InsightVM will be able to assess your cloud environment for vulnerabilities and misconfigurations.

Get started with the Google Cloud

Your first step is to go about creating a Google Cloud account. If you already have a Google account, this process is simple, as it will use your pre-existing account to log in. Once you’re in, it will have you add a credit card to your account. Don’t worry, as of this blog post, you get $300 in free credit when you sign up, and when this runs out, your card won’t be automatically charged unless you manually upgrade to a paid account.

Making a virtual machine (VM)

Once you’re in, the next hurdle is figuring out where to go. Once you get to your Google Cloud console, you will want to go over to the left, go to Compute Engine, and then to VM Instances. From there, go to Create Instance. This is where you’ll be insightvm google cloud environment