How we can separate botnets from the malware operations that rely on them

As I covered in last week’s newsletter, law enforcement agencies from around the globe have been touting recent botnet disruptions affecting the likes of some of the largest threat actors and malware families.  

Operation Endgame, which Europol touted as the “largest ever operation against botnets,” targeted malware droppers including the IcedID banking trojan, Trickbot ransomware, the Smokeloader malware loader, and more.  

A separate disruption campaign targeted a botnet called “911 S5,” which the FBI said was used to “commit cyber attacks, large-scale fraud, child exploitation, harassment, bomb threats, and export violations.” 

But with these types of announcements, I think there can be confusion about what a botnet disruption means, exactly. As we’ve written about before in the case of the LockBit ransomware, botnet and server disruptions can certainly cause headaches for threat actors, but usually are not a complete shutdown of their operations, forcing them to go offline forever.  

I’m not saying that Operation Endgame and the 911 S5 disruption aren’t huge wins for defenders, but I do think it’s important to separate botnets from the malware and threat actors themselves.  

For the uninitiated, a botnet is a network of computers or other internet-connected devices that are infected by malware and controlled by a single threat actor or group. Larger botnets are often used to send spam emails in large volumes or carry out distributed denial-of-service attacks by using a mountain of IP addresses to send traffic to a specific target all in a short period. S ..

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