How We Used Data Science Magic to Predict Key RSA 2020 Themes and Takeaways

How We Used Data Science Magic to Predict Key RSA 2020 Themes and Takeaways

This blog was co-authored by Mark Hamill and Bob Rudis.

There’s nothing quite like attending the annual RSA security conference in San Francisco, but amid the noise of more than 40,000 attendees, hundreds of vendors, and a whirlwind of information, it can be tough to pull out key messages to take back to our desks.

As our team discussed our traditional RSA round-up blog, we started to wonder how easy it would be to predict those key themes before the conference even kicked off. So, this year, I hit the floor, while my colleague, Bob Rudis, wrote predictions from the comfort of his home office a few thousand miles away.

That’s right—as Bob leveraged his magical data science processes and a few decades of suffering through the annual hype cycle to hypothesize which major themes might be on display, I braved the handshakes, endless free swag, and the permanent reminder that business cards aren’t going away to put these predictions through their paces.

Read on to see how we fared, and get a sneak peak into whether I’ll get grounded in 2021 (or whether Bob will be forced to make the trip out to California!).

Key predictions for RSA

Bob’s first round of predictions arose from checking out the many cybersecurity-related RSS feeds he has subscribed to. Vendors are not shy about what they are going to bring to the Expo floor, and pundits and cybersecurity journalists are quick to cut and paste press releases to create news. From the flood of posts prior to RSA, here is Bob’s self-proclaimed “curmudgeonly” opine of what would be blasted out from the booths:

Prediction No. 1: SOAR

Everyone is goin ..

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