Improving Business Continuity | Avast

Improving Business Continuity | Avast
Jaya Baloo, 27 April 2020

Learn more about the role infosec plays in keeping businesses running smoothly and resiliently in the face of this global health crisis.

In these times of the COVID-19 crisis, businesses must go back to the basics. And that means understanding how to provide the best-in-class customer service, taking care of their employees, and being resilient to this disaster. These all revolve around making sure that your business continuity is up to snuff. While it is possible that you may not experience any disruption, you might as well plan ahead.
In the old, pre-coronavirus, days, business continuity usually meant doing disaster recovery drills and setting up duplicate data centers that could come online in case the main data center was unavailable for a period of time. Those days are behind us now. Not to be alarmist, but we are living in different times, and we have to think of continuity in a new light. The notion of having a “headquarters” staff working “on your network” takes on different meaning.
In my blog post on 17 March 2020, I outlined what my own journey was like toward supporting this new working environment. But building a resilient business is a lot more than just figuring out how to set up a VPN and produce a few web conferences. 
At the core of continuity is ensuring that your processes and applications and data are intact, no matter what happens to your Internet connectivity or your servers. Do you even have a current list of your business-critical applications? Probably not. Just look at any of the number of ransomware victims over the ..

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