Industry Reactions to FireEye Breach: Feedback Friday

Cybersecurity firm FireEye this week revealed that a highly sophisticated threat group likely sponsored by a foreign government breached its network and stole some of its Red Team tools.

The compromised tools did not contain any zero-day exploits or novel techniques, and FireEye said they would likely not advance the attacker’s overall capabilities too much.

FireEye said it was unclear if the attackers were planning on using the stolen tools themselves or if they intended to make them public. Nevertheless, the company decided to release hundreds of countermeasures to help others detect potential attacks employing the compromised tools.

The firm claimed it had found no indication that the attackers exfiltrated data related to customers or its threat intelligence systems.

Industry professionals have commented on the hack, including the attackers’ possible motives and the incident’s overall implications.

And the feedback begins…

Greg Touhill, President, AppGate Federal Group:

“Thoughts from my perch:

Initial reports are often wrong or incomplete. Nevertheless, the initial reporting indicates a significant attack that has far-ranging impact
This is a real coup for the attacker. FireEye has a significant customer base, especially in the government sector, and the information obtained is not trivial. The attacker can use the information to refine their tactics, techniques, and procedures in numerous other attacks/campaigns
Kevin Mandia continues to be one of the straight-shooters in the business and is demonstrating leadership in disclosing this attack.

Why the attackers would target this FireEye information:

Reading the proprietary FireEye information can help the adversary understand what parts of the attacker's arsenal has been figur ..

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