Infostealers compromise 101,134 ChatGPT accounts

Infostealers compromise 101,134 ChatGPT accounts

Infostealers traded on the dark web have compromised 101,134 infected devices running ChatGPT accounts over the past year.

The Raccoon stealer breached the most accounts by far, a sign that even though the group developing Raccoon has been degraded, these infostealers have a long tail once purchased on the dark web.

In a June 20 blog post, Group-IB researchers said the Asia-Pacific region saw the largest number of ChatGPT accounts stolen by infostealers between June 2022 and May 2023.

Infostealers are a type of malware that collects credentials saved in browsers, bank card details, crypto wallet information, cookies, browsing history, and other information from browsers installed on infected computers. It then sends all this data to the malware operator. Stealers can also collect data from instant messengers and emails, along with detailed information about the victim’s device.

The number of available logs containing compromised ChatGPT accounts reached a peak of 26,802 in May 2023, the researchers said.

Overall, India accounted for 12,632 of the stolen accounts. Other countries with the most number of compromised ChatGPT credentials include Pakistan, Brazil, Vietnam, Egypt, the United States, France, Morocco, Indonesia and Bangladesh.

The researchers said that 78,348 of the accounts were breached by the Raccoon infostealer, while 12,984 were hit by Vidar and RedLine accounted for 6,773. According to Group-IB’s latest findings, ChatGPT accounts have already gained significant popularity within underground communities.

“Many enterprises are integrating ChatGPT into their operational flow,” said Dmitry Shestakov, head of threat intelligence at Group-IB. "Employees enter classified correspondence or use the bot to ..

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