International Travel Guidance for Government Mobile Devices


The Federal CIO Council’s Federal Mobility Group (FMG) has released the final version of its in-depth international travel guidance report. The new document details a series of best practices agencies can adopt to safeguard Government-Furnished Equipment (GFE) mobile devices—mobile phones, tablets, and laptop computers—against attacks while in use during travel to foreign countries.

Mobile devices have evolved to become a critical link between a traveler and their home office, providing them access to business applications and data they would otherwise lack. Ensuring this line of communication is private and secure is imperative to protect the government traveler, hers or his GFE mobile devices as well as the backend enterprise systems that empower mobility.

The new travel guidance is the product of a cooperative effort between FMG and the Education, Energy, Defense, Homeland Security, Interior, Justice, and Treasury departments plus the General Services Administration and National Space and Aeronautics Administration. It also was distributed to industry stakeholders, who provided comment and feedback that were incorporated into the final document.

Titled the International Travel Guidance for Government Mobile Devices, the document outlines best practices for the configuration and use of GFE mobile devices to safeguard government data and information, backend enterprise systems, and users while they are on international travel outside the continental United States (OCONUS), to U.S. territories, and to foreign embassies and consulates located in the U.S., which are considered foreign territory. It outlines physical and cybersecurity threats to GFE; procedures for before, during, and upon completion of travel; and other considerations for GFE users on temporary international travel.

Best Practices for International Travel with Mobile GFE Devices. Source: International Travel Guidance for Government Mobile Devices

Because of their portability and always-on state, mobile devices are su ..

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