Is $100K Bitcoin Inevitable? This Expert Say ‘Yes’—Find Out When

Is $100K Bitcoin Inevitable? This Expert Say ‘Yes’—Find Out When
As Bitcoin teeters close to its previous peak, discussions about its next big price targets have reignited. Among the voices contributing to this conversation is Samson Mow, the CEO of Jan3 and a prominent Bitcoin advocate. Recently, on X (formerly Twitter), Mow expressed his belief in Bitcoin’s imminent rise to $100,000, a milestone he sees as a stepping stone toward an eventual value of $1 million. His forecast is based on events triggered by breaking past the all-time high of $73,750 in March. Related Reading: Buckle Up: Bitcoin’s Ride to $74K Could Start Any Minute – Here’s Why Critical Factors To Drive Bitcoin Price To $100k Target Mow outlines a cause-and-effect scenario that could catapult Bitcoin to these new heights. First, surpassing the previous all-time high would initiate a “recursive Bitcoin demand shock,” as increased demand and limited supply drive prices upward rapidly. According to Mow, this chain reaction could swiftly elevate Bitcoin to the $100,000 mark. Once we surpass the previous #Bitcoin ATH, recursive demand shock kicks in and it’s up all the way to $0.1M. — Samson Mo ..

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