Hahaha, we were pretty gullible
Twenty years have passed since cybercrooks demonstrated the role exploiting human psychology could play in spreading malware. Remember "ILOVEYOU"?
Back in 2000, Windows XP had yet to be a thing (and it would take until 2004 for Microsoft to plug its more gaping security holes with Service Pack 2) and the computing world was a generally more innocent place.
Windows and Office apps would cheerfully conceal the extensions of known file types and not warn that something might happen upon opening an attachment in an email. Visual BASIC scripting reigned supreme in the Microsoft world.
It was therefore sadly inevitable that somebody would do something naughty. Enter "ILOVEYOU".
The worm was a gloriously simple thing. An email was sent to a user with the subject ILOVEYOU (or similar) and some text exhorting the victim to open the ..
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