IT threat evolution in Q1 2024. Mobile statistics

IT threat evolution in Q1 2024. Mobile statistics

IT threat evolution Q1 2024IT threat evolution Q1 2024. Mobile statisticsIT threat evolution Q1 2024. Non-mobile statistics

Quarterly figures

According to Kaspersky Security Network, in Q1 2024:

10.1 million attacks using malware, adware, or unwanted mobile software were blocked.
The most common threat to mobile devices was adware: 46% of all threats detected.
Over 389,000 malicious installation packages were detected, of which:
11,729 packages were related to mobile banking Trojans,
1,990 packages were mobile ransomware Trojans.

Quarterly highlights

The number of attacks using malware, adware, or unwanted software on mobile devices increased compared to the same period last year, but dropped slightly against Q4, to 10,100,510.

Number of attacks targeting users of Kaspersky mobile solutions, Q3 2022–Q1 2024 (download)

The rapid growth in the total number of attacks between Q2 and Q4 2023 is primarily attributed to the surge in adware and Trojan activity, which roughly doubled in absolute terms during this period. However, other types of malicious and unwanted apps also increased their activity, so the distribution of threats by type showed no dramatic swings.

In Q1, the number of WhatsApp modification attacks continued to grow. For example, we found Trojan-Spy.AndroidOS.Agent.ahu, a Trojan hidden inside a WhatsApp mod, that steals encrypted messenger databases along with their decryption keys. Another malicious WhatsApp mod,, is capable of downloading and installing arbitrary software. According to our statistics, this Trojan came pre-installed on some devices.

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