JEFF PRESTRIDGE: The fraudsters raiding our bank accounts are wrecking so many lives

JEFF PRESTRIDGE: The fraudsters raiding our bank accounts are wrecking so many lives

JEFF PRESTRIDGE: The fraudsters raiding our bank accounts are wrecking so many lives. We need a dedicated new police unit to nail these rats

The pandemic has wreaked havoc across the country, touching all of our lives, and we still don't know the full extent of the human and economic cost.

But, bizarrely, there is one group that has thrived in the past 15 months, a group we all detest with a vengeance: financial fraudsters.

The pandemic has enabled these despicable criminals to breed like never before.

They have become a plague of financial fraud rats, using the cloak of lockdown, home-working and our increasing use of the internet to empty our bank accounts.

According to data compiled by the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau, nearly half a million people have lost a total of £2.6 billion over the past 13 months as a result of fraud or cyber crime.

Sadly, nobody in authority – be it the Government, regulators, the police, the banks, internet search engines and phone companies – seems prepared to rid the country of this vermin.

The pandemic has wreaked havoc across the country, touching all of our lives ..

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