Johannesburg Electricity Provider Falls Victim to Ransomware Attack

Johannesburg Electricity Provider Falls Victim to Ransomware Attack
A company responsible for providing electricity to the South African city of Johannesburg disclosed that it fell victim to a ransomware attack.On 25 July, City Power disclosed on Twitter how the attack had affected all of its databases and applications as well as its network.#Update City Power has been hit by a Ransomware virus. it has encrypted all our databases, applications and network. Currently our ICT department is cleaning and rebuilding all impacted applications.^GR— @CityPowerJhb (@CityPowerJhb) July 25, 2019
In subsequent tweets, the electricity provider noted that customers might have a difficult time accessing its website until it had fully restore all assets encrypted by the infection. It therefore instructed customers to use in order to log calls. At the same time, the company said that customers might encounter some difficulty in purchasing electrical units as well as uploading invoices when attempting to make payments.City Power also said that the attack might affect its ability to respond to certain outages as the result of the attack having affected its dispatching system.According to Reuters, City Power customers have already begun calling into a local radio station claiming that they had lost power as a result of the ransomware attack.This isn’t the first time in recent memory where ransomware has ..

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