Kicking cyber security down the road can come back to bite you

The consequences of a successful cyber attack can be disastrous. From substantial financial loss to significant reputational damage, they can lead to untold operational disruption. Yet despite the clear and present danger, some businesses continue to deprioritise cyber security, with a concerning 15% failing to invest in cyber security measures. Whether this is a calculated decision or a matter of managing risk, it leaves the businesses’ data and processes exposed to attack.

Large corporations like Microsoft and AT&T, both of which recently experienced cyber breaches, are particularly vulnerable. These very public incidents can feed the perception that small and medium sized businesses are unlikely to be targeted by cyber criminals. However, this does not ring true when compared to a recent government survey which showed that 45% of medium sized businesses, and 50% of all companies in the UK, have suffered some sort of breach or cyber attack in the past 12 months.

For these smaller businesses, implementing simple security procedures is a strong start. Some quick market research can also highlight that engaging with the right managed services provider (MSP) can be a cost effective way of enhancing security and reducing cyber risk. Despite this, convincing business leaders to invest in cyber defences can be an uphill battle – even if decisions to delay only amplify the risk. Turning a blind eye could lead to devastating consequences.

An overshadowed priority

Despite a shared understanding of cyber threats among security leaders and C-suite, cyber security often gets over ..

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