Kids, Online Sharing and Covid | Avast

Kids, Online Sharing and Covid | Avast
Emma McGowan, 3 November 2020

Reliable tips on how to discuss what, where and how often your kids share online

Kids — and adults — share stuff online. That’s a given. But with the Covid-19 pandemic leading to everyone spending an increased amount of time online, kids are sharing more than ever. In fact, according to the Avast Kids Online: Generation Lockdown survey, 49% of kids 12 and over have shared more content online since the pandemic began.
And while there’s nothing inherently wrong with sharing more online, this is a good moment to revisit the conversation about what’s okay — and what’s not okay — to share.  Your family likely has its own boundaries about sharing, including where it’s okay to share, what’s okay, and how often. But to help you out we spoke with psychotherapist and author Catherine Knibbs, who works with young people who have experienced trauma online, about some good general guidelines.
Use the “Grandma Test”
A great general rule to go by, Knibbs says, is the “Grandma Test.” It’s simple: Ask your kid, “What would your grandma think if she saw this?” It’s a good way to help kids gauge what’s appropriate and what’s not appropriate to share online.
Analyze whether it’s a safe space
Knibbs also says that kids should have an understanding of which spaces are “safe” for them to share in. 
“That requires some conversations about what platforms they’re using, what measures are in place to keep them safe,” Knibbs tells Avast. “That requires learning on both your and your child’s part about the platform they’re using.”
Knibbs also suggests telling kids that it’s okay to share some ..

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