Kraken Daily Market Report for October 21 2022


  • Daily spot trading volume: $547.4 million, 30 day average spot: $450.3 million.

  • Total futures notional: $140.7 million.

  • The top five traded coins were, respectively, Tether (↑0.02%), Bitcoin (↑0.7%), Ethereum (↑1.3%), USD Coin (↑0.0%), and Solana (↑0.21%).

  • Strong returns from Enzyme Finance (↑26%), Biconomy (↑18%), and Quant (↑12%).

  • October 21, 2022  $547.4M traded across all markets today Crypto, EUR, USD, JPY, CAD, GBP, CHF, AUD 
    USDT $1.0001 ↑0.02% $264.3M
    BTC $19171. ↑0.7% $113.8M
    ETH $1299.5 ↑1.3% $61.8M
    USDC $1.0 ↑0.0% $29.0M
    SOL $28.09 ↑0.21% $7.95M
    DOT $5.8352 ↓0.8% $6.9M
    XRP $0.4612 ↑3.3% $6.58M
    XMR $140.65 ↓0.4% $6.26M
    ADA $0.3490 ↑2.7% $5.67M
    MATIC $0.8324 ↑3.0% $4.26M
    KSM $35.010 ↓2.2% $3.35M
    DAI $0.9995 ↓0.04% $2.25M
    ATOM $11.759 ↑3.4% $1.98M
    LINK $6.8148 ↑2.4% $1.88M
    QNT $190.1 ↑12% $1.82M
    LTC $51.65 ↑0.9% $1.75M
    FIL $4.958 ↑0.7% $1.57M
    LUNA $0.0002 ↑0.5% $1.37M
    APE $4.4664 ↑6.5% $1.36M
    MLN $24.209 ↑26% $1.29M
    UNI $6.027 ↓1.1% $1.29M
    DOGE $0.0592 ↓0.24% $1.2M
    PHA $0.2275 ↓4.9% $1.03M
    AVAX $15.7 ↑3.6% $756K
    MANA $0.6144 ↑2.8% $577K
    KAVA $1.4091 ↓1.2% $574K
    AAVE $82.030 ↑1.9% $509K
    WBTC $19200. ↑1.1% $498K
    UST $0.0375 ↑1.3% $458K
    SUSHI $1.345 ↓1.1% $454K
    XLM $0.1109 ↑0.9% $437K
    TRX $0.0616 ↓0.8% $410K
    SHIB $1.003e ↑1.5% $406K
    XTZ $1.3433 ↑2.2% $353K
    ALGO $0.3130 ↑2.4% $340K
    BCH $107.04 ↑0.8% $314K
    CHZ $0.1847 ↑10% $290K
    CRV $0.895 ↑6.3% $277K
    EOS $1.073 ↑3.1% $275K
    EWT $4.434 ↑0.5% $263K
    AXS $9.016 ↓5.4% $262K
    SAND $0.7426 ↑2.8% $258K
    ETC $22.05 ↑1.9% $256K
    RARI $2.11 ↑1.0% $236K
    GRT $0.0787 ↑1.3% $214K
    ETHW $6.06 ↓1.3% $187K
    ENS $17.01 ↓1.1% $173K
    MKR $1015.1 ↓3.6% $173K
    GLMR $0.457 ↓2.4% $169K
    PAXG $1647.7 ↑1.7% $165K
    LDO $1.527 ↑2.3% $153K
    APT $7.4853 ↑3.0% $151K
    ICP $4.901 ↑1.7% $148K
    KEEP $0.1246 ↑1.1% $141K
    EGLD $55.9 ↓3. ..

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