Mac OSX/CrescentCore malware designed to evade antivirus | SC Media

Mac OSX/CrescentCore malware designed to evade antivirus | SC Media

A fake Flash Player trojan malware is targeting Macs with a design that allows it to evade antivirus solutions. 

Dubbed OSX/CrescentCore, Intego researchers spotted the malware in the wild in several places on the web ranging from sketchy copyright-infringing download sites to rogue, high-ranking, non-sponsored Google search results links, according to a June 28th blog post.

Researchers warned Mac users to beware that they can become infected even by seemingly innocuous sources such as Google search results. 

The malware was first observed on a site purporting to share digital copies of new comic books for free — one of many shady sites that flagrantly violates U.S. copyright laws.

OSX/CrescentCore is disguised as Flash Player updates with researchers noting how far off the phony prompts look compared to a legitimate Flash Player update. Chrome users should be especially skeptical since the Chrome browser has its own built-in version of Flash that gets updated automatically.

“As a general rule, nobody should be installing Flash Player in 2019 — not even the real, legitimate one,” researchers said in the post. “Nearly all sites have stopped ..

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