Major data breach leaks medical info – Here’s what to do

Major data breach leaks medical info – Here’s what to do

We all like to think our medical data is safe and secure. Sorry to burst that bubble for you today.

Cybersecurity researcher Jeremiah Fowler says he found a significant Cigna data breach that compromised the security of a huge number of health care professionals and patients. Cybercriminals are drooling over this, I promise you. That’s why I wanted to give you a heads-up.

The breach in numbers

  • The database held a staggering 17 billion records or just over 6TB of info. None of it was password-protected. Yikes.

  • The records contained health care provider information, like medical facility and doctors’ ID numbers, along with health insurance providers’ negotiated rates for medical services.

  • You might wonder, “Why do I care if my doc’s info was leaked?” Well, because all your health care records are attached to your doctor’s records. This means if you’re under Cigna Health, your medical info could have been exposed.

    And the more a savvy cybercriminal knows, the easier it is for them to convince you to hand over money. Here’s how bad it can get.

    Linda’s nightmarish bill

    Linda was shocked to receive a medical bill for a surgery she never had. The Texas woman contacted the California hospital where the surgery took place. After a bunch of back and forth, Linda discovered a thief had used her medical ID for cosmetic surgery — sticking her with the $50,000 bill.

    Proving her identity, disputing the fraudulent charges and cleaning up her records took years. Plus, she had to worry whether the incorrect medical information in her records would come back to haunt her ..

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