Malvertising Campaign Leads to Execution of Oyster Backdoor

Malvertising Campaign Leads to Execution of Oyster Backdoor

The following analysts contributed to this blog: Thomas Elkins, Daniel Thiede, Josh Lockwood, Tyler McGraw, and Sasha Kovalev.

Executive Summary

Rapid7 has observed a recent malvertising campaign that lures users into downloading malicious installers for popular software such as Google Chrome and Microsoft Teams. The installers were being used to drop a backdoor identified as Oyster, aka Broomstick. Following execution of the backdoor, we have observed enumeration commands indicative of hands-on-keyboard activity as well as the deployment of additional payloads.

In this blog post, we will examine the delivery methods of the Oyster backdoor, provide an in-depth analysis of its components, and offer a Python script to help extract its obfuscated configuration.


Initial Access

In three separate incidents, Rapid7 observed users downloading supposed Microsoft Teams installers from typo-squatted websites. Users were directed to these websites after using search engines such as Google and Bing for Microsoft Teams software downloads. Rapid7 observed that the websites were masquerading as Microsoft Teams websites, enticing users into believing they were downloading legitimate software when, in reality, they were downloading the threat actor’s malicious software.

Figure 1 - Fake Microsoft Teams Website

In one case, a user was observed navigating to the URL hxxps://micrsoft-teams-download[.]com/, which led to the download of the binary MSTeamsSetup_c_l_.exe. Initial analysis of the binary MSTeamsSetup_c_l_.exe showed that the binary was assigned by an Authenticode certificate issued to “Shanxi Yanghua HOME Furnishings Ltd”.

Figure 2 - MSTeamsSetup_c_l_.exe File Information

Searching VirusTotal for other files signed by “Shanxi Yanghua HOME Furnishings Ltd” showed the following:

Figure 3 - VirusTotal Signature Search Results

The results indicated other versions of the instal ..

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