Man uses 99 smartphones to cause traffic jam on Google Maps

Man uses 99 smartphones to cause traffic jam on Google Maps

Talking about Google Maps hack; this has to be the best one so far.

There’s evil. Then there’s pure evil. Few are decorated with praise of the latter but today there’s one guy that fully deserves it. We’re talking about Simon Weckert, an artist whose latest trick may have just led to a whole lot of traffic jams but only virtually – Google Maps to be precise.

See: 80 funny, creepy, strange, disturbing Google Street View Images

In an experiment on Google Maps, he took 99 smartphones running the Google Maps app and then asked someone to roam them on the streets of Berlin while posting a video of the entire episode later on YouTube.

This resulted in Google thinking that there were a large number of people stuck in one area and hence flagged it as a traffic jam turning the color of the usual blue lines into red ones. This was also helped by the fact that since the cart was naturally slow, Google perceived the traffic as being congested.

What made this exploit possible is no rocket science though. In fact, any other layman could do the same unless Google makes some changes. Currently, it uses live data that is being generated by users including their speed and location to let them know of the condition of a speci ..

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