Managing and monitoring privileged access to cloud ecosystems - Help Net Security

Managing and monitoring privileged access to cloud ecosystems - Help Net Security

Cloud data breaches are on the rise, demonstrating time and again the need for a different approach and strategy when it comes to managing and monitoring privileged access to cloud ecosystems.

Privilege access management (PAM) should:

Be risk-aware and intelligent
Reduce sprawl of infrastructure, accounts, access and credentials
Use continuous identity analytics.

Just-in-time management of privileged accounts

According to Gartner’s 2018 Magic Quadrant for PAM report, by 2022 more than 50% of organizations with PAM implementations will choose just-in-time privileged access over long-term privileged access, which is a significantly higher percentage than today’s (under 25%).

Persistent accounts have been the norm when it comes to providing privileged access to users, applications and services in the IT landscape. But persistent accounts come with an overhead of constant management and maintenance, as well as high risk exposure. In t ..

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