Many Potential Backdoors Found in Huawei Equipment: Study

A report published this week by US-based firmware and IoT security solutions provider Finite State shows that Huawei equipment is affected by many vulnerabilities, including potential backdoors, and the company’s devices are less secure compared to the products of other vendors.

The United States and some European countries are concerned that Huawei equipment, including the one that could power future 5G networks, may contain backdoors that could facilitate spying by the Chinese government.

Huawei has denied the accusations, but it has been increasingly difficult for the company after the U.S. rolled out legislation preventing federal agencies from using Huawei products and an order signed by President Donald Trump has barred companies from using foreign telecoms equipment deemed a security risk.

While some companies and organizations, including Facebook, Google and top research universities, have started cutting ties with the Chinese telecoms giant, others have reportedly found ways to bypass the ban.

Authorities have provided little evidence to support claims that Huawei is helping the Chinese government’s spying efforts, but Finite State has deci ..

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