Master Next-Level Network Defense Techniques at Black Hat USA

Master Next-Level Network Defense Techniques at Black Hat USA
Brush up on new DDOS defense tricks, 5G network vulnerabilities, and applications of military strategy to cybersecurity.

Network technology advances at a blistering pace, so it’s critical that cybersecurity professionals stay on top of the latest network vulnerabilities, hacks, and exploits. There’s no better place to do that than Black Hat USA in Las Vegas this August, where an entire Network Defense track of Briefing is dedicated to keep you abreast of the latest happenings in network security.

Defense Against Rapidly Morphing DDOS offers a rare opportunity to learn from the sustained, rapidly-morphing DDOS attacks ProtonMail suffered in 2018. Researchers created an attack toolkit that mimics the ProtonMail attacks and used it to study the efficacy of various defenses against similar threats. What they found: a combination of an unsupervised machine learning algorithm to determine a baseline, perform anomaly detection and mitigation, and another machine learning algorithm to tune the performance of the first, yielded the most effective defense. Attend this Briefing to learn how to apply these lessons to your own cybersecurity work.

In Operational Templates for State-Level Attack and Collective Defense of Countries you will examine templates for attacking and defending nations. Militaries have long used doctrinal templates – models based on known or postulated adversary doctrine – to support traditional kinetic warfare training and warfighting. The same approach works well for defending in cyberspace. You’ll receive templates of ways threat actors could disrupt or defeat a country, considering various time horizons and degrees of attribution. Expect to ..

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