Mastercard Expands Crypto Reach With P2P Platform Launch Across 13 Countries

Mastercard Expands Crypto Reach With P2P Platform Launch Across 13 Countries
Mastercard has announced the launch of a peer-to-peer (P2P) platform for cryptocurrency users in Europe and Latin America. This initiative allows users on supported exchanges to send and receive cryptocurrencies using Mastercard Crypto Credential aliases, streamlining the transaction process.  Mastercard Crypto Credential Pilot  As announced on Wednesday, the platform extends its services to users in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, France, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, and Uruguay, enabling them to conduct cross-border and domestic transfers across multiple currencies and blockchains.  This expansion is further boosted by including Foxbit, a crypto wallet provider, and Lulubit, through its integration with Lirium, into the Mastercard Crypto Credential pilot ecosystem, reportedly broadening its reach to a larger consumer base. Related Reading: Research Firm Projects Ethereum Explosion To $15,000 With ETF Inflows The Mastercard Crypto Credential acts as a verification mechanism for interactions between consumers and businesses on blockchain networks. It is designed to simplify transactions by exchanging metadata, eliminating the need for users to know the recipient’s supported assets and chains, thus increasing trust and security in ea ..

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